Brochure Redesign for CPG Brands Assistance SaaS


Project info


Brochure Design

Brochure Redesign for CPG Brands Assistance SaaS

Salient, a leading CPG brand assistance and SaaS company, sought to redesign its brochures for lead generation. They provided original InDesign files and requested stronger brand colors and a modern look. We conducted market research to understand the target audience and industry trends, refined Salient's color palette for a stronger brand identity, incorporated modern design elements and typography, and extended the new branding to additional pieces for a cohesive look. As an outcome, we enhanced Salient's Brand Identity, engaged visual experience and increased lead generation to Salient's success. Our collaboration with Salient resulted in successful brochure redesigns, reinforcing their brand, creating an engaging experience, and driving lead generation.

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Branko Pejovic

Founder and Creative Director


Maja Pejovic

