Transforming RaayonNova’s Vision into a Futuristic Investor Brochure


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Brochure Design

Transforming RaayonNova’s Vision into a Futuristic Investor Brochure

Embarking on a mission to craft an engaging investor brochure for RaayonNova Smart Contact Lens Inc., Banedsgn rose to the challenge. The booklet, a fusion of print and digital, was a treasure trove of insights, featuring everything from tech specs and patent listings to team bios and financial projections. Three design blueprints were initially unveiled, with the client gravitating towards the one that echoed their vision for future investors. This concept was then meticulously fleshed out, culminating in a 16 1/2 Letter size pages booklet that was as informative as it was captivating. The final masterpiece exuded a futuristic aura, mirroring RaayonNova’s cutting-edge lens technology. It boasted a clickable table of contents for seamless navigation, bespoke icons for a unique touch, and a visually pleasing layout crafted with card modules. To highlight RaayonNova’s competitive edge, a comparison section was woven in, complemented by a 3D cross-section that demystified its lens technology. Interactive QR codes were sprinkled throughout for hyperlinks, and compelling CTAs were strategically positioned to pique investor interest. In essence, Banedsgn masterfully crafted a visually stunning, interactive, and comprehensive investor booklet for RaayonNova, serving as a powerful conduit for communicating the company’s innovative vision and potential to prospective investors.

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Branko Pejovic

Founder and Creative Director


Maja Pejovic

