Elevating Brands with Unique, Personalized Brochures


Project info


Brochure Design

Elevating Brands with Unique, Personalized Brochures

Kian Soon, a company providing advanced mechanical components and integrated services, faced the challenge of effectively communicating its value proposition and diverse offerings. Their need was a clean, high-value brand brochure that could encapsulate their commitment to cleanroom services and hardware solutions. The solution was a 4-page brochure with a laboratory feel, featuring a logically laid out facility floor plan infographic. The client-provided isometric graphic was incorporated seamlessly into the design, enhancing both the cover and inside pages. The strategic use of white space conveyed a clean look, reflecting the company’s focus on cleanroom services. This, coupled with custom images, resulted in a unique, personal brochure that not only addressed the client’s pain points but also elevated their brand image. The final outcome was a visually impactful brochure that effectively communicated Kian Soon’s offerings, reinforcing their position in the industry.

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Branko Pejovic

Founder and Creative Director


Maja Pejovic

