Why Print Design in School Books and Curriculums is Here to Stay: Insights from Swedish Schools


In a world where our gadgets nearly run the show, it's pretty refreshing to see Swedish school pressing the 'pause' button on digital and swinging back to good old books and paper. It feels like a bold, almost rebellious move in today's tech-saturated landscape, doesn't it? But there's solid science and some pretty convincing performance stats backing up this shift. Let's chat about why this old-school approach might just be a game-changer.

So, why are books getting a second wind?Neuroscientists have been poking around our brains for a while, trying to figure out how we process information. Turns out, our brains have a bit of a thing for paper. Reading from an actual book gives us a more hands-one xperience, and this physical touch point helps us grasp and retain information better than when we scroll through a screen.

Sometimes, the best way forward might involve a step back to basics.

And then there's the whole focus factor. Ever tried to study on a device only to find yourself down a rabbit hole of notifications and pop-ups? Print doesn't do that to you. It offers a calm, centered space where young minds can dive deep into learning without digital distractions, leading to better understanding and retention.

Now, don't think Sweden's just throwing tech out the window. The move back to print isn't just a hunch—it's backed by data showing that students really do perform better with books in their hands. Plus, taking notes and not getting that screen-induced eye strain? Big pluses for learning.

But why does design matter so much? Well, when educational materials are designed well, they do more than just look pretty.They make learning easier and more effective. Good design helps guide students through information, making it easier to understand and remember. And while digital learning has its perks—like instant info access and interactive features—the Swedish are reminding us there's value in balance. It's not about ditching digital; it's about mixing the best of both worlds.

So, what's the takeaway from all this? The shift back to print in Swedish schools isn't just a quirky trend. It's a reminder to all of us in the education world to keep questioning, keep exploring, and remember that sometimes, the best way forward might involve a step back to basics. As we keep evolving, the heart of learning—whether it's on a page or a screen—remains the connection between knowledge and how we best absorb it. And for now, it seems like print's got a pretty solid place in that equation.




Maja Pejovic

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