What is Editorial Design?


Editorial design refers to the craft of combining text, images, and other graphical elements to communicate a story, message, or information within publications such as magazines, newspapers, books, and digital media. It's a discipline that goes beyond mere aesthetics, focusing on the effective organization of content to enhance readability, engagement, and comprehension.

The Core of Editorial Design

At its heart, editorial design is about storytelling. It's a process that starts with understanding the content and its audience, then using design elements to create a clear, engaging, and cohesive narrative. This involves choosing the right typefaces, colors, images, and layout techniques that complement the tone and message of the text.

Layout and Typography

One of the primary tools in editorial design is the layout. Designers carefully structure the content's flow on a page, considering factors like hierarchy, balance, and white space to guide the reader's eye through the story. Typography plays a significant role here, as different fonts and typographic styles can evoke various emotions and emphasize key points, making the content more accessible and enjoyable to read.

As we flip through pages or swipe on screens, editorial design keeps reinventing itself, ensuring our reading adventures are always dressed to impress.

Imagery and Color

Images and graphics are another pillar of editorial design, providing visual breaks and complementing the narrative. Whether through photographs, illustrations, or infographics, visual elements can clarify complex information, set the mood, and draw readers into the content. Color schemes are chosen to reflect the publication's personality and purpose, further enhancing the visual storytelling.

The Importance of Editorial Design

Editorial design is not just about making things look good; it's about enhancing the reader's experience and comprehension. A well-designed publication can:

  • Increase readability and legibility.
  • Engage readers and keep their attention.
  • Clarify complex information.
  • Convey the publication's brand and values.
  • Differentiate content in a crowded market.

Digital Transformation

While traditionally associated with print media, editorial design has evolved significantly with the rise of digital platforms. Digital editorial design involves interactive elements, such as animations and hyperlinks, and considers different screen sizes and formats, enriching the storytelling possibilities and reaching a broader audience.


Editorial design: the unsung hero of the publishing world, making sure the journey from writer's brain to reader's heart isn't a snooze fest. It's like the difference between a well-dressed salad and a bowl of lettuce – both are green, but one's a lot more appetizing. As we flip through pages or swipe on screens, editorial design keeps reinventing itself, ensuring our reading adventures are always dressed to impress. So, hats off to the design wizards making our info not just readable, but unputdownable!

Maja Pejovic
Founder and CMO @banedsgn

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Branko Pejovic

Founder and Creative Director


Maja Pejovic

