Innovation in Action: The New Standard for Fitness Catalogs


Project info


Catalog Design

Innovation in Action: The New Standard for Fitness Catalogs

When Powertec approached us with their vision for a minimalist catalog, we knew we had an exciting project on our hands. They wanted to showcase their premium fitness and gym equipment in a way that would not only attract customers but also drive them to make a purchase. Our team got to work, designing a high-end catalog that was as sleek as it was functional. We aimed for a minimalist aesthetic that exuded luxury, ensuring that the quality of Powertec’s gym equipment was front and center. We coordinated a photoshoot, providing detailed instructions to the photographer to capture the gym equipment in the best light. The result was a series of stunning images, with the gym equipment colored and standing out against a stylish black & white backdrop of models. But we didn’t stop at just aesthetics. We wanted to make the purchasing process as seamless as possible for potential customers. So, we incorporated handy QR codes and links for analytics right into the catalog. This allowed readers to easily navigate to Powertec’s e-commerce website and make a purchase. The final product was a game-changer. It wasn’t just a catalog, but a powerful marketing tool that elevated Powertec’s brand in the fitness world. It attracted premium clients, increased site conversion, and ultimately led to a boost in sales. Now that’s what we call flexing our creative muscles!

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Branko Pejovic

Founder and Creative Director


Maja Pejovic

