Advancing InsureTech with the Power of Brochure Design


Project info


Powerpoint Presentations

Advancing InsureTech with the Power of Brochure Design

Pilotbird, an InsureTech company, faced the challenge of effectively presenting its AI-powered B2B product to insurance companies with limited client data. They needed a marketing brochure that emphasized benefits over features, was easy to digest, and provided a compelling reason to choose Pilotbird. Our solution was a clean, uncluttered 4-page brochure with a clear narrative, multiple entry points, and a strong call to action. We created an impactful cover, detailed product pages, a comprehensive ‘How it works’ infographic and a ‘Lifestyle Risk Scoring’ section with graphs. The brochure, wrapped around company branding, successfully communicated Pilotbird’s value proposition, leading to enhanced market presence.

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Branko Pejovic

Founder and Creative Director


Maja Pejovic

